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Things that I love


*Near to the door*
*he paused to stand*
*as he took his class ring*
*off her hand*
*all who were watching*
*did not speak*
*as a silent tear*
*ran down his cheek*
*and through his mind*
*the memories ran*
*of the moments they walked*
*and ran in the sand (hand and hand)*
*but now her eyes were so terribly cold*
*for he would never again*
*have her to hold*
*they watched in silence*
*as he bent near*
*and whispered the words..*....
*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear*
*he touched her face and started to cry*
*as he put on his ring and wanted to die*
*and just then the wind began to blow*
*as they lowered her casket*
*into the snow....*
*this is what happens*
*to man alive.....*
*when friends let friends....*
*drink and drive.*


***In this world there are 3 kinds of ppl: those who can count & those who can*t.

***I bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.

***Of all the things I*ve lost I miss my mind the most.

***You! Off my planet!

***I may look busy but I*m just confused.

***How can I miss you if you won*t go away?

***Leave so we can talk about you.

***Everyone*s entitled to being stupid but you*re abusing your privelage.

***Take my advice, I don*t use it neway.

***If Barbie*s so popular why do we buy her friends.

***How do you get holy water? Boil the hell out of it!

***becareful about what you think, what you think becomes what you say, what you say becomes what you deo, what you do becomes what you believe, what you believe becomes your character, your character is who you are!

***No one looses faith in you, you just loose faith in yourself.

***At times of trouble don*t turn to the ones that have hurt you turn to the ones you know will always care for you now & in the future.

Pimpette of the year, playette of the season, ur boyfriend left ya *n* im da
reason, so watch ya backs *n* make sum room, cuz dis lil QT is comin thru!

~Check Dis Out PPL~
U lOvE uR mAn,SeT hIm FrEe,AnD iF hE dOeSnT cOmE bAk,HeS pRoBaBlLY WiT mE!

Guyz R Players-ItsA FacT-Don't FaLL In LuV-JuSt PlaY Dem BaCk.

U tHouGht U hAd HiM, U mAy ThInK hE's YoUrS, HaHa ThAtS FuNNy CuZ hE DoN'T
mEsS wItH WhOrEz!!

Gimme a Kiss~Gimme ur world~gimme ur heart and i*LL be ur girl~gimme a
smile~gimme ur time~gimme ur love~and I*ll give u mine.

I love him, yes I do. He's for me and not for you. If by chance you take
my place, I'll take my fist and smash your face.

"When something seems so right, it can end up being so unbelievably wrong."

*~*A GoLdEn RuLe To LiVe By,
2 KeEp Us GiRls On TrAcK,
NeVeR LoVe A PlaYeR,
CaUsE He'LL NeVeR LoVe YoU BaCk*~*

*~*BoYs LiE*~*

i never meant to hurt you
but ur sexy when you cry ¤
maybe i really loved you...haha
ain't i sexy when i lie?

if you want sumtin...u better tell him

becuz hearts are often broken
with words left unspoken

.*.what i cant have is what i cant resist .*.

i wana hear u say
u love me all the way
i dont want to have to wait
another hurtful day.

LoVeS a SeNsAtIoN cAuSeD bY tEmPtAtIoN wHeN a GuY sTiCkS hIs LoCaTiOn Up A gIrLs DeStaNaTiOn To InCrEaSe ThE pOpuLaTiOn Of ThE nExT gEnErAtIoN dO yOu UnDeRsTaNd My ExPlAiNaTiOn Or Do YoU nEeD a DemOnStRaTiOn!

"You know you're in love when you can't sleep because reality is so much better than your dreams."

i'M nOt A bAd giRL...i'M jUsT A gOoD GiRl wiTh nAuGhTy HaBiTz

*ThE gIrLs ThEy WaNnA b Us..ThE GuYz ThEy WaNnA dAtE uS..iF jEalOuSlY iS wHaT yOuR aBoUt..ThEn Go AhEaD aNd HaTe Us*

*~* i LiKe YoUr StYlE i LiKe YoUr ClaSs bUt MoSt Of ALL i LikE YoUr ass*~*

The world is so fast-paced people forget to do one simple thing that would help them relax and calm down.

There's a party at your ankles... why don't you invite your pants down? HAHA
HEHEHE......I'm Glad
~Don't piss me off! I'm running outa places ta hide da bodies.~

"What appears to be the end may really be a new beginning."

ShAmE sHaMe KnOw uR nAmE.

yOuR My aNgEl fRoM Up aBoVe,i wAs sHoT By yOuR ArRoW n NoW I'm In loVe.

dOn'T EvEr FrOwN CuZ U nEvEr kNoW WhEn sUm1 iS FaLiIn In lOvE WiTh yOuR SmILe.

I sensed a Certain Something
that in ma Heart was tru,
I knew i waited All Ma Life
to fall in luv with yew.

Its nice to be important, but more important to be nice.

"If at first you dont succeed screw the day and smoke some weed."

If LiFe iS A wAstE Of tImE, And tImE Is A wAstE Of LifE,thEn LeT's GeT WaStEd 2gEtHeR n HaVe Da TiMe Of OuR LiFe.

Find arms that will hold you at your weekest
Eyes that will see you at your ugliest
A heart that will love you at your worst
then you have found your true love.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away but if the doctor is cute screw the fruit

of all da friends i eva met
u da 1 i wont 4get n if i die b4
u do ill go up 2 heavn n wait 4 u
giv da angels back dey wings
n risk da loss of evarethin
jus 2 prov our friendship b tru
n jus 2 hav a friend lyke u..

I'm Gonna Be Alright

*If a Rose means love then why does it die?!*

~"if i saw myself in clothes like that id hafta kick my own ass" -Happy Gilmore

~"This coffee tastes like shit!...Austin it is shit!"-Austin Powers

~"we r not guys we r hott chix give us beer and we will give u erotic pleasure" -Dude Wheres My Car

~"SUCK ME BEAUTIFUL!!" -American Pie

~"o i know i had someone make a call to afganastan....afganastan? i dont kno any one from fuckin afganastan and even if i did i wouldnt talk to his afgan ass for 3 fuckin hours!!! i dont even talk to my daddy for 3 hours!!" -Lethal Weapon 4

~"u have the right to remain silent so shut the fuck up!" -Lethal Weapon 4

"me? im scared of everything im scared of wut i did im scared of wut i saw of who i am but most of all im scared of walking out of this room and never feeling again in my entire life the way i feel when im with you"-Dirty Dancing
^best damn movie!!^

~"ive kissed a guy before. ive kissed guys. i just havnt felt that thing- that thing when u kiss someone, everything around u becomes hazy, and the only thing u focus on is that one person. and u realize that that person is the only person ur supposed to be kissing for the rest of ur life, and for one moment u get this amazing gift and u want to laugh and u want to cry because u feel so lucky that uve found it and so scared that itll go away, all at the same time." -Never Been Kissed

~"A hickey from Kenickie is like a hallmark card"-Grease

~"u think im goooorgeous, u want to kiiiss me,u want to huuuug me, u want to luuuuuv me" -Miss. Congeniality

~"u cant help who u love derrick, ur not supposed to" -Save The Last Dance
^best quote ever!^

~"she said something about me not listening to her i dont know i wasnt really paying attention" -Dumb and Dumber

~"ill play u one on one.....for wut?.....your heart"-Love and Basketball

~"Mini me, stop humping the laser! y dont u and the laser get a frickin room or something?!" - Austin Powers

.Bangin Quotez!

¤Im SiCk n TiReD oF yOu AnD uR GaMe...U aNd Ur BoYs r aLL dA SaMe So HaVe FuN LoOkIn ArOuNd Da wOrLd cUz ThE oNes WhO WONT DaTe u R mE n My gUrLz!

PaYBaX a ByTcH n ReVeNgE iZ sWeEt.. DeN iM Da SwEeTeSt ByTcH uLL eVeR MeEt*

*iTz LyKe DiZ,
i GoTz NuTTiN bUt LuV
BuT wEn PuSh KuMz 2 ShOvE,
DiZ bYtCh TuRnZ ThUg*

*2 aLL Da TriCks ThaT TrY 2 JoCk Me, ByTchZ I gIvE U PropS CaUse OvIoUsLy U gOts GoOd TaSte*

~"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself"

~"If someone tells me to leave them alone, I can take it.
If someone tells me they don't want to be friends, I can take it.
If someone lies to me, I can take it.
But if someone ignores me, doesn't even talk to me.... even the strong will fall...."

~"If I want respect from all of you, I am not going to disrespect all of you and hope to get it. If you want respect from others, you need to show it towards them FIRST."

~If we live in the past, we cannot see the future. Simple as that. Learn from the past, forget it, and move on with your life."

~"You should always leave loved ones
with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them."

~We are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel."

~Either you control your attitude
or it controls you.

~Heroes are the people
who do what has to be done
when it needs to be done,
regardless of the consequences.

~Sometimes when I'm angry
I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel

~maturity has more to do with what types
of experiences you've had
and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

~It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

~Our background and circumstances
may have influenced who we are,
but we are responsible for who we become.

~You shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret.
It could change your life forever.

~Two people can look at the exact same thing
and see something totally different.

Your life can be changed in a matter of hours
by people who don't even know you.

~sometimes people bottle things up,
they joke around and have fun on the outside,
but inside, they are crying out for help.
QuOtEz FrOm 10 things i hate about u!

~"i want u i need u o baby o baby"-Kat

~"theres a difference between like and love i mean i like my skechers but i love my prada backpack" -Bianca

~"ur askin me out? o thats so cute! whats ur name again?" -Bianca

~"I hate ur big dumb combat boots
And the way u read my mind
I hate u so much it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme
I hate the way ur always right
I hate it when u lie
I hate it when u make me laugh
Even worse when u make me cry
I hate it that ur not around
And the fact that u didnt call
But mostly i hate the way
I dont hate u
Not even close
not even a little bit
not any at all"

"what do u come from planet loser? opposed to planet look at me! look at me!"
-Bianca and Kat

~"My insurance does not cover PMS!"-the dad

i delivered a baby to a 15 yr old girl today, and u know what she said to me? a crack whore who should have made my skeezy boyfriend wear a condom?.....close, she said i should have listened to my father......No she didnt......well, she would have if she hadnt been so doped up."-the dad and bianca

"people perceive u as somewhat tempestuous.....heinous bitch is the term used most often."--Counselor and Kat

:::EvEr SinCe i SaW uR FaCe:::
:::NuThInG In My LiFe HaS BeEn ThE SaMe::
:::I wAlK arOunD JUs saYiN Ur NaMe:::
::WiThOuT u My WoRlD WuLd EnD:::

we laughed untill we cried, we hugged right down to our last goodbye, we were the best we'll ever be, just 4 a moment, you and me

U axEd Me WhO i LiKeD & I tOlD u No1, wAt i MenT iS nO1 BuT u.

How can you be friends with someone if everytime you look at them, it makes you want them even more?!

As you walk by a hott guy, turn around and say: Excuse me, did you just touch my ass?
hott guy:No
U: Damn!

Don't Let Me Get Me......!

~No-one is perfect, and mistakes can happen,
but you need to give everyone another chance.

~"Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is not path and leave a trail

~"You laugh at me because I'm different... I laugh at you because your all the same."

~"Mistakes are not hard to make... but earning the forgivness of those you've hurt is..."

~"I dont regret the things I've done; only those i haven't."

~"Wear tight jeans because you never know whos falling in love with your ass"

~*Share ur smile w/ everyone but save ur kisses 4 only 1*

~*Love me when I least deserve it b/c thats when I really need it*

~I am willing to make the mistakes...
if someone else is willing to learn from them.

~"When you hug someone, never be the first to let go."

~Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."

If your right leg was Thanksgiving, and your left leg was Christmas, could I meet you between the holidays?
cool quotez

Man: "Haven't I seen you someplace before?
Woman: "Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore."

Man: "I know how to please a woman."
Woman: "Then please leave me alone."

Man: "Your body is like a temple."
Woman: "Sorry, there are no services today

I'm not a blonde!! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!

If you get a chance to see him, Your heart begins to dance.Your life revolves around him, There's nothing like romance


I am a Woman
I shave my legs,
I sit down to pee.
And I can justify any,
shopping spree.
Don't go to a barber,
but a beauty salon.
Can get a massage,
without a hard-on.
I can balance the checkbook,
can pump my own gas.
Can talk to my friends,
about the size of my azz.
My beauty's a masterpiece,
and yes, it takes long.
At least I can admit,
to others when I'm wrong.
I don't drive in circles,
at any cost.
And I don't have a problem,
admitting I'm lost.
I never forget,
an important date.
You just gotta deal with it,
I'm usually late.
I don't watch movies,
with lots of gore.
Don't need instant replay,
to remember the score.
I won't lose my hair,
I don't get jock itch.
And just 'cause I'm assertive,
Don't call me a b*tch.
Don't say to your friends,
Oh yeah, I can get her.
In your dreams, my dear,
I can do better!
Flowers are okay,
But jewelry's best.
Would you look at my face,
Not at my chest!
I don't have a problem,
with expressing my feelings.
I know when you're lying,
You look at the ceiling.
don't call me a girl,
A babe or a chick.
I am a WOMAN u see get it u

Guys should wear condoms on their heads... if they're gonna act like dicks, they might as well dress like one!

I don't know what you think of me, but I hope it's X-rated.

yA KnO ThOsE KrAyZeE NiTeS WeN U cAnT FaLl aSlEeP...
mAyBe iTz bEcUz u wErE In sUm1 eLsEs DrEaMs
. . . tHiNKAbOuTiT . . .

U sAy U cAnT StAnD 2 SeE Me hUrT
sO dO u CLoSe Ur EyEs wEn U hUrT mE

I'm Glad you make me feel happy!
kiss my lips and ill close my eyes break my heart and i will die.

guyz are like stars theyre are a million of them but only one will make your
dreams come true.

When u love someone you will sacrafice,you'll give it everything you got and you wont think twice you'd risk it all no matter what,when u love someone.

we learned the most important lesson in kindergarden... BOYS ARE STUPID!

It takes years to build trust but it only takes seconds to lose.

U'll never realize what u really have until its gone.

give me a kiss, give me the world
give me your love & i'll be your gurl
give me a smile,give me your time
give me your heart & i'll give you mine!

Dance like nobody's watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like nobody's listening, live life like its
heaven on earth.

hott guys open my eyes
smart guys open my mind
but only sweet guys open my heart.

i was finally gettin you believing i was thru
i even had crushes other than u
walkin with my head up high
thinkin i wasnt gunna fall
and then u had to smile at me
and go and ruin it all.

If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them,
I'd be at the bottom to catch them.

We've shared so much laughter, so many tears. u've given me good times and calmed my fears. We're not
sistas by birth, but we knew from the start, something put us together to be sistas by heart.

To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.

Finding Someone To Love Is Easy, The Hard Part Is Finding Someone Who Will love you back.

don't lead me on and leave me confused a girl would rather be left alone then have her heart abused.

Missing you isnt the hardest part its knowing i had you that breaks my heart.

diamods are nice and so are toys but theres nothing better than boys.

why do i adore the one who ignores me and ignore the one who adores me.

the hardest thing to do is watch the person you love love someone else.

hey bitch so your the bitch who told the bitch that i was a bitch.. well listen bitch it takes a bitch to know a
bitch so there bitch.


Playaz get played, Pimpz get paid, but in da' end, they all get laid.

*Sex is like Pringles, once u pop, the fun don't stop!!

****Mirrors Don't Talk & Lucky 4 U They Don't Laugh Either****

***I wanted to kill the sexiest person alive then I reliezed.......oh yea! Suicides a crime.***

*God made mud.. god made dirt.. god made guys so girls can flirt!!

*Born in the heavenly skys but sent down 2 earth 2 check out the fine guys!

*If you think you can, you can!! If you think you can't, you're right!!!

*It's always funny till someone gets hurt then its just hilarious!

*I was an angel born in heavenly skies but moved down to earth to light up your eyes!!

*God made elks, God made deers, God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS!

*If U Want Breakfast In Bed... Sleep In The Kitchen!!!*

*Im not a Ditz, I just lack common sense!

*Tite jeans.. curvy hips.. pink thongz..
glossy lipz.. hair tossin.. jewelry danglin..
c'mon babie u kno I'm bangin!!

*Ur Only BAD if U get that would make me a GOOD GIRL....right?!

***2 Words Guys Hate.....Don't & Stop.. Unless Ya Put Em 2gether!!***

*Dont flatter urself.....I wuz lookin at ur friend!

*~*Cry me a river.. build me a bridge...... then do us all a favor.. & jump off of it!!*~*

***I'm not weird.. I'm gifted***

*There is no i in s-l-u-t, but there is a U!!

luv is luv, luv is tru
i found dis out by luvin yoo
if yoo luv mee, den luv mee well
if yoo dont, den go to hell!

*DiAmOnDz R NiCe*
*So r ToYz*
*BuT ThErEz NuThIn BeTTa*
*tHeN hOt BoYz*!

GoD MaDe Riverz, GoD MaDe DuRt, GoD MaDe GuYz sO I CoUlD Flirt

If LiFe AinT A GaMe Y So maNy PlAyAz!?!?!

² HoT ² StOp ...i MaKe tHe FelluZ eYeS pop.

OnLy HaTe Me CaUsE u lOvE Me U OnLy TaLk aBoUt Me CaUsE u WaNnA bE mE tHeReFoRe If My NaMe StAys In YoUr MoUtH i MuSt StAy On YoUr MiNd.

We wErE aS oNe fOr a MoMeNt iN tImE
i wAs uRs aNd u WeRe mInE
I FeLL iN tHe TrAp & u pLaYeD mE WrOnG
iT dOnT mAtTa--iM sTiLL sTrOnG
i LeArNeD mY LeSsOn & LeArNeD iT WeLL
aLL u DiD wAs sHoW mE HeLL
U sAiD u LoVeD mE--yA RiTe
BuT nOw u dOnT gOt me bAbY
wHoS gUnA sLeEp gOoD 2NiGhT?*

UgLy LiL GirLz TrYiN 2 TaKe Ma MaN
imMaTuRe BiTcHeS tRyiN 2 B HoT
BuT hOw CaN ThEy CoMpArE
WhEn A PiMpiN pRiNcEsS iS wHaT i aM
aNd Bad AzZ SkiLLz aRe WhAt i gOt!!!

*U thought u had him, u may think he's urs, haha that's funny cuz he don't go with whores!!

*We're sorry you dont like us..
We're sorry that you stare..
But most of all we're sorry,
that we dont f*ckin care!!!

*~*Ya Im a bytch.....a classy one..
Ya ur a hoe.....a f*ckin nasty one!!*~*

*If you need a nickel..
I'll give you dime..
If you need a man..
b*tch don't mess with mine!!!

*See my halo.. Bright-N-shiney.. Mess with me.. & I'll kick your hiney!


*~*~*Guyz Are Like Waves.............Wait Til You Find The Perfect One, And Ride It All The Way!!!*~*~*

*Some guys say suck it, i say no thanx i choke on small objects

*Star light, star bright, pick me a guy 2 fall in luv with 2night, pick me a sweetie, a smarty, a cutie, pick me 1 with a really cute booty!

*He broke your heart, shatered it like glass, so when he comes runnin back say "Hunny, kiss my ass!"

*Me no worry.. me no care.. me go marry a millionare.. if he die me no cry.. me go marry another guy!!

*A golden rule to live by,
And keep us girls on track..
Neva luv a PLAYA,
Cuz he'll neva luv you back..

*I Am Sweet Like Sugar & Soft Like Suade... But Unlike Nintendo... I Neva Get Played!!!

*Sumday U'll Cry 4 Me Like I Cried 4 U.. Sumday U'll Miss Me Like I Missed U.. Sumday U'll Want Me Like I Wanted U.. Sumday U'll Luv Me But I Wont Luv U!!

*I do believe that God from above..
Created you for me to love..
He picked you out amoung the rest..
Cuz he knows I'd love you best!!!

*God made the wind blow.. god made the sun
shine.. but how the HELL did he make you so fine?¿

*~If you be sugar, I'll be spice..
If you be fire, I'll be ice..
If your cold, I'll make you hot..
As long as you give me all you've got!~*

*I look for a man with a V.C.R...Very Cute Rear!

***Every hottie with a body needs a cutie with a bOOtie!***

I ran up the door, closed the stairs..
said my pajamas and put on my prayers..
Turned off the bed, hopped into the light..
all because u kissed me goodnight!!
Next morning I woke up and scrambled my shoes..
Picked up my eggs and toasted the news..
I couldn't tell my left from right..
All because you kissed me goodnight!!
That evening at last I felt normal again..
So I picked up my mother and called the phone..
I spoke to the puppy and threw Dad a bone..
Even at midnight the sun was still bright..
All because you kissed me goodnight!!

*-;-*Cheerin Quotez*-;-*
*Yes as a matter of fact I am a........
Toe Touchin.. Power Punchin..
Back Flippin.. Stunt Stickin..
Loud Yellin.. High Flyin..
Spirit Spreadin.. Crowd Pleasin..
Big Time.. Bona Fide..
and proud of it!!!

*"There are 3 types of people in this world. Ones that are Cheerleaders, the ones that want to be Cheerleaders and the ones that want to get with Cheerleaders!"

*Hold my poms poms while i stunt with your boyfriend!!

*Sure we won the game.. but who pumped up the crowd?!

*The refs have always been blind but it is our jo to make them def!!!

*Together we stand & together we fall.. All for one and one for all!!!

*If football is SO spectacular.. Why does it take cheerleaders to excite the crowd!?

*Im A Crowd Pleasing.. Cheer Yelling.. Stunt Building.. Short Skirt Wearin.. Toe Touchin.. Hand Clappin.. Big Smilin.. Kick @$$ Cheerleader!!

*Cheerleading Is Life, The Rest Is Just Details!!!

*You Know You're A Cheerlear When:......
-You Realize Most Pyramids Weren't Built In Egypt..
-Candle Sticks And Blades Aren't Made From Metal..
-You Know A Liberty Has Nothing To Do With Freedom..
-You Count 1 2 3 4 After 5 6 7 8..
-All Of Your Friends Are Eating Dinner While You're At Practice..
-Your Skirt Is Shorter Than Your T-Shirt..
-You Can Build Without A Hammer And Nails!!

*DoN't HaTe WhAtChA AiNt!

*-;-*Love Quotez*-;-*
*One day you'll ask me which is more important...your life or mine. And i'll say mine is, and you'll leave without knowing, you ARE my life! Everyone has a reason for waking up in the morning and your mine!

*First time I saw you I was afraid to meet you.. First time I met you I was afraid to kiss you.. First time I kissed you I was afraid to love you.. & now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you!

*I don't know what I'd do..
I don't know where I'd be..
I know that he is just a guy..
But he means everything to me!!

*Wanting You Is Hard 2 4get.. Loving U Is Hard To Regret.. And Loosing You Is Hard 2 Expect.. But With All The Pain I've Felt Seeing You With Her Is The Most Painful Yet!!

*A Thousand Words Couldn't Bring You Back, I Know Becuz I've Tried..
Neither Could A Thousand Tears, I Know Becuz I've Cried!
You Left Behind A Broken Heart,
A Thousand Memories Too,
But I Never Wanted The Memories,
I Oonly Wanted You!!!

*I Don't Know Whether To Smile Becuz Were Friendz.. Or Smile Becuz That's All We'll Ever Be!!

*I want to say im sorry... I want to say I care... I want to say I'm blind for not seeing what was there... I shoulda been more trusting... and listened to my heart... cuz your the only thing I need... and it's tearin me apart!!!

*Love is when u cant pay attention in class..
Cuz ur 4-eva writin ur first name wit his last!!

*-;-*Friendship Quotez*-;-*
*Me & My best friend can do anything or nothing and still have the time of our life!!

*We weren't sisters by birth.. but we knew from the start.. fate brought us 2gether to be sisters by heart!!*DeDiCaTeD 2 my bestest Friendz, ya'll no who ya R!!*

*Friends forever that's what we are; through thick and thin, near and far. Memories we have of times we shared; no matter what, we always cared. Times have changed, but we're still together. We'll always be friends forever!

*Smiles n Tears.. Giggles n Laughs..
Late night phone calls n Cute photographs..
I'll always be here for u.. Till the day of my death..
Best friends forever.. Till my very last breath!!

*So many memories we cant throw away..
True friends forever n thats how its guna stay!!

*Friends are like Stars, they come and go, But the ones that stay are the ones that Glow!!

*True Friends are loving..
True Friends Care..
And at the end True Friends are always there!

*Friends are forever..
Guys are whatever..
When worst comes to worst..
My Gurlz come first!!
*~*CHICKS B4 DICKS!!!*~*

*Cross ur Heart and hope to Die..
Clothes and Makeup.. Boyz and Lies..
4ever there til the end..
Is the definition of a True Best Friend!

*A memory lasts 4ever.. never does it
die.....True friendz stay 2gether.. and never
say goodbye!

YoU dOn'T kNoW wHaT U Do 2 Me
U dOn'T hAvE a cLuE
U dOnT kNoW wHaT iT's LiKe
2 Be Me LoOkIn @ u

If U dOnT LiKe My ApPleS tHeN dOnT sHaKe My TrEe CuZ i DoNt WaNt yOuR mAn...He wAnTs Me!